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Below is just a small sample of some of the exciting content you will find on The Debsterism Channel. Take a look at the dozen or so links to some of the newest and the channel's most popular videos. At this juncture there are more than 1,000 videos on every topic imaginable, so you're sure to find what you need to know in at least one of them.
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The Sunk Cost Fallacy
Sunk Cost Fallacy relationships, where women throw good time after bad is a common behavior pattern. Sunk cost fallacy describes a tendency to continue forward in situations (here we reference relationships), where time, money or effort has already been invested, but the investor refuses to accept that they are wasting time and resources.
Asking men to direct your life?
"Where is this going? What are we?" A recent dating advice question response presented Deb's theory that women who ask men "where is this going?" or "what are we?" are giving over their power and the direction of their lives to others. In this video Deb shares how women should decide what they want for themselves vs begging men for love.
I think I have been ghosted!
#Ghosting singles have been called cruel, inhumane, a lack of character or integrity, cowardly, immature, a sign that the ghoster can't communicate, a selfish thing to do because one should "face the necessary confrontation to end a relationship like a proper adult" and lots more.
Join the hilariously funny relationship advice livestream show every Tuesday hosted by veteran advice columnist Deborrah Cooper. Deb responds to dating and relationship advice questions submitted by channel visitors in REAL TIME.
12 Common Ways Women Get played for a fool
Though there are hundreds of games this discussion focuses on 12 common tricks and games run on single women in relationships. Sunday Sermon to discuss some of the tricks and games players use to get into the heads, bodies, wallets and homes of single women.
how hope is the downfall of women in love
There are relationships on life support so to speak. However, the women keep HOPING it’s going to get better, HOPING with dedication, HOPING with enough love, enough loyalty, devotion, enough freakiness, they will achieve the relationship and outcome they envision...
how to vet men and screen out time wasters
Video takes you step by step through the process of properly screening (vetting) men's mental and emotional stability, integrity, and rightness for you. If you continually find yourself involved with men that prove themselves to be vastly different from what you need in a partner, this live stream on how to vet men is for you.
living a dusty free life - get rid of dusty men!
Talk on what a dusty man REALLY is, how to identify when a guy is dust covered underneath his suit, and why a woman who is about living her best life should avoid/get rid of any dusty creatures in her life. Admittedly, this is a challenge as there seems to be a proliferation of dusty men in the dating pool to the level of "an approaching dust storm".
how to avoid dating abusive controlling men
Dusty controlling men have one goal: to dominate/control women in every way possible by getting control of your emotions.
In this video you will be provided evidence that men do all they can to make YOU feel weak, confused, insecure and worried about his faithfulness and affection for you.
The three types of single women
To me every woman can be placed into one of three categories which clearly define the type of single woman she is. You will learn the pros and cons of each type, as well as the benefits and challenges faced by each out here in these dating streets.
Women are enrolling in college and graduating at a 2:1 ratio over men. When you couple this with women's desire to marry only someone with a similar educational and socioeconomic status, it's apparent that we are headed for a serious social crisis.
boundaries and the power of no!
Do you struggle with establishing boundaries and saying NO! to other people, especially your romantic partners and children? Feel resentful because you give far more than you receive? This is a wonderful discussion on self love for you!
moving in together
Discussion of the pros and cons of shacking up, cohabitation, living together, moving in together - whatever you want to call it when a single woman moves in with her boyfriend or lets him move in with her. A candid analysis of the potential joys and possible horrors of living with a man you are not married to.
how to choose a great guy
What are the things a woman should be looking for in a relationship before she commits and settles down? What behaviors and attitudes in a man will make for an fun supportive and romantic relationship, and a happy married life? In this, the third in the Relationships101 - What's In It For Me series.