JUST NO Webinar
Why can't you ever just
say no?
say no?
Do you struggle with saying NO! to others so you frequently find yourself feeling frustrated with yourself, overburdened with responsibility, annoyed a lot and exhausted? Have you ever asked yourself WHY you cannot say NO! to others?
You're not alone! In fact, many people (especially women and girls) are socialized to always "be nice" to other people, and have been taught that saying NO is rude or mean. In actuality, saying NO establishes boundaries and protects your time, energy and assets. The ability to say NO firmly and confidently is one of the best ways a woman can take care of herself!
During this session you will learn:
Why saying NO is so difficult for most women;
How others use guilt and coercive tactics to get around your NO to get what they want from you;
When it is appropriate to say MAYBE vs an outright NO;
What happens when you hesitate and your NO is not clear
What happens when you say NO then give in and do what is asked of you;
INTERACTIVE SEGMENT: How to say NO (using your real life situations as examples)
Learning how to say NO is a life skill that you must be taught, just like you learned to cook and use a computer. This webinar will provide you with solid tips for saying NO without feeling bad or guilty about it. Questions and situations from viewers are welcome.
This webinar is led by veteran relationship columnist and life coach Deborrah Cooper (debsterism.com), who offers more than 30 years of experience in the dating and relationships field.
Scan the QR code above for more information or click here to register via PayPal or $Cashapp.