Seasonal ProgramMING
In addition to topical uploads, panel discussions, and weekly programming like WTF!? WEDNESDAY and RELATIONSHIP SUNDAY SERMONS, we also feature two annual seasonal programs. Check out our upcoming Webinar for Women JUST NO! Developing the Skill to Say NO! With Confidence.
Video-a-day debruary
This year mark's The Debsterism Channel's 5th Annual Video-a-Day DEBRUARY 2022! Every year we host a video-a-day event for the entire month of February around a central theme.
The theme selected for Debruary 2022 is WINNING@LIFE! We'll feature a parade of inspiring guests, interesting uploads, and exciting livestream discussions to provide you with top notch motivation to change your life for the better!
Every summer from June to Labor Day in September, we take a bit of a break from the heavy topics and get together on Friday or Sunday for a live stream which examines the creative thinking, illogically mind boggling posts and wacky memes which dusty men post on the internet. Why do dusties say the things they say? What is the true reason so many memes and "advice" posts are directed towards the behavior, looks and attitudes of single women? Come get your laugh on!